Curricular unit TOOLS (15 ECTS)

Advances in Integrative Neuroscience II: Tools in Neuroscience

Each intensive course should be structured in a max of 4 days duration, depending on the ECTs, except the Programming for Neuroscientists that will be a distributed course.

Students will start their PhD with intensive training in different tools that will empower them to address their questions in the best possible manner. Students will design their own path by choosing among the following options:

  • Programming for Neuroscientists (6ECTS). Distributed course, with presential and remote work. 1 day weekly during the first trimester.
  • Core Technologies (4ECTS): presentation of the core technologies @UC.
  • Laboratory Animal Course (5ECTS): providing the training and certifications required for animal experimentation work.
  • Science Communication (2ECTS)
  • Visual Reactive Programming- Bonsai for Neuroscience Experiments (3ECTS)
  • Bioinformatics and Data Science for Neuro (3ECTS)
  • Sensors, Electronics and Hardware (3ECTS)
  • Electrophysiology (3ECTS)
  • Advanced Experimental Design (2ECTS)
  • Ethics in Neuroscience Research (1ECTS)
  • Principles and Practices in Drug Development (4 ECTS)
  • Computational Neuroscience and Neural Computation (4 ECTS)

Curricular unit NEURO (15 ECTS)

Advances in Integrative Neuroscience I: From neurons to circuits, behaviors and computations.

5 modules of 5 days duration each providing theoretical and practical training.

Each module will have a theoretical (mornings) and practical (afternoons) part. Theoretical parts can be structured in the form of classes or seminars by invited speakes. For the practical parts, different projects will be proposed, for small groups of students to gain hands-on knowledge on what is covered during the theoretical classes.

The specific contents of each module will be adapted each year to reflect the advances in the field:

  • MODULE 1: Synapse assemble, function and plasticity (Concepts of synaptic physiology and plasticity in the nervous system. Recent advances in synaptic neuroscience and recent breakthrough discoveries. Implications for brain dysfunction.)
  • MODULE 2: Neural circuits and behavior (Concepts and recent advances on how circuits neuroscience is advancing the knowledge regarding brain function. Introduction to behavioral in the context of brain function and neural circuits. Advances in circuits neuroscience and implications for brain pathology)
  • MODULE 3: Systems and Computational Neuroscience (Concepts and state-of-the-art theoretical and experimental approaches to understand how the brain processes information and how this information is used to flexibly guide behavior. Introduction to quantitative behavior analysis and deep behavioral phenotyping. Analysis and modeling of neural and behavioral dynamics. Recent advances in high-resolution electrophysiology, imaging and optogenetics techniques to acquire, interrogate and manipulate brain activity. Computational principles and mechanisms underlying neural and behavioral phenomena).
  • MODULE 4: Cognitive Neuroscience (Concepts and state of the art on Cognitive Neuroscience. Evaluating brain function in the human healthy and pathological brain. Techniques in Cognitive Neuroscience and how they have helped advance the field. Assessing the brain in real-life scenarios). 
  • MODULE 5: Pathological mechanisms in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders (Concepts and recent advances in the study of brain pathology in the context of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Advances in basic mechanisms affecting different cells of the CNS and underlying selective symptomatology. Neuroprotective and innovative preclinical therapies).
  • MODULE 6: Neuroscience and Mental Health – A clinical and molecular perspective in (neuro)psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders (Molecular and cellular mechanisms in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Impact of aging on mental health and neurodegeneration. Advances in diagnosis, novel detection methods, and emerging therapies. Clinical trials, brain imaging, and neuropathology in neuroscience and mental health.
  • MODULE 7: Neuromodulation (Fine-tuning neurotransmission in an activity-dependent manner, within and between neuronal networks. Recent advances on the role of different neuromodulation systems on brain function in health and disease: caffeine, cannabis and psychadelic drugs. Neuromodulation during neurodevelopment).