1st semester (30 ECTS)

During the first semester of the first year, students will have the intensive part of their courses, structured in 2 curricular units.

  • Tools in Neuroscience (TOOLS) preferably from October to December. See details here.
  • Advances in Integrative Neuroscience (NEURO): from January to February. See details here.

2nd semester (30 ECTS)

During the second semester of the first year, students will take the following curricular units:

  • Neuroscience Today (4ECTS): Attendance and active participation in the Neuroscience Seminars @UC, where international speakers will share their latest works. Before selected seminars, groups discussions will be organized in the form of Pre-Talk Journal clubs, where students will discuss some of the works of the invited speakers, to incentivize active discussion and critical thinking.
  • Lab Rotations (6 ECTS): students will choose a laboratory different from their supervisor’s to perform a 2 weeks lab rotation.
  • Thesis Project defense (20 ECTS): The final goal is that each student, in liaison with one or more supervisors, builds a credible work proposal in a topic within the Neuroscience field that they can implement in the second, third and fourth years.

2nd to 4th year (180 ECTS)

  • Thesis work (60 ECTS/year). Each student will have a thesis committee, and progress will be discussed on a yearly basis.